The analysis of compounds that form the basis of most cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food products on the market today is essential to ensure safe, non-harmful substances for our health and the environment.
The line of products dedicated to the analysis of these materials aims primarily to guarantee the purity and quality of active ingredients used in the processing within the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food industries.
A world leader in thin-layer chromatography (TLC/ HTPLC), it has focused on the development of instrumentation dedicated to this technique. The instruments produced by Camag cover all stages of TLC/ HPTLC analysis, sample application, development, and detection, with instruments managed by a single software in order to standardize all operations, and provide a platform that can meet GLP and GMP regulations and be compatible with CFR 21 part 11.
Teledyne Isco’s Flash chromatography, the new CombiFlash NextGen line provides performance, in combination with RediSep columns, superior to any comparable system. The new ACCQPrep opens wide the door to the world of preparative HPLC. All these instruments are managed by a single software, making the work much easier.
These are complemented by the range of Syringe Pumps for laboratory, pilot plant and/or industrial applications, capable of operating with any type of liquid/fluid and a wide range of supported values in both flows and pressures.
Flow Chemistry (flow-chemistry), is the mission of Vapourtec, The systems we offer are modular, have the ability to use various reactor geometries, column, tubular, chip. Vapourtec has developed photochemical, electrochemical, etc. reactors to meet customer requirements.
Evaporative Light Scattering (ELSD) detectors, have the characteristic of being universal, therefore able to detect any compound, regardless of its chemical characteristics; it is gradient compatible and is ideal for the development of methods intended for mass. They can be interfaced to any HPLC, UHPLC, Flash or Preparative chromatographic system.
Green Chemistry can be found in the extraction systems using supercritical CO2 produced by SFT. These products allow this technique to be applied to the extraction of natural products from complex matrices by completely eliminating the use of organic solvents.
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